My blog

Monday, June 30, 2008

My Addiction Part: 1

Every person has an addiction. It can be food, sex, drugs, T.V., rock n roll, and etc.

Mines is shoes and clothes. I've been cold turkey since the beginning of '08. Ouch!!!!!!

I'm really going thru the withdrawal symptoms, but I'm trying to maintain and save but it's so hard. Don't get it twisted, I'm not materialistic. I love shoes and dressing nice! Especially, when it's exclusive! Man! I feel real special! I think by mid-july it's a wrap, Ima break and O.D. Whats ur addiction please don't be ashame I don't judge!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Mind Sate

Welcome to my mind state
Its a state of minesI dont pay tax
I pay attention to facts & detail.
Theres no democrats & republicans
Theres dreamers & realist
There arent any jail cells
Just a bunch of brain cells
There this city like New York, it never sleeps, always busy, and the lights are always on.
In this state farmers plant ideas and they grow into philosphies & goals
In this state, the stock market depends on Dom Jones advancements.
In this state, at the beach u dont tan, cats come out here to day dream.
Next to the beach is a city with sky scrappers build upon thoughts on top of each other.
Art is displayed in my memories museum.
In this state, music is a legal drug.
There is a highway named road to riches with a dozen billboards of clothes and shoes.
This highway leads u to the state capitol success.
In this state, u have the right to bare hope and pursue happiness.
Thats the end of the tour of this state of mines.
A place called my mind state.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

What Happened???????????? Videos

My next topic of What Happened is


Remember when music videos had good story lines and where different?

The only people that still have good dancing, story lines and originality is Diddy, Hov, and Outkast. These other rappers dont

What Happened????????????

This will be a new part of my blog, talking about good thigns that just dont happen anymore!

My first topic is, MTV

What Happened? Once upon a time before Sweet Sixteen and all that other nonsense, this network is and was about music. Now to catch a video you have to wake up at 6 in the morning. It's hard to believe the M in Mtv stands for music still. This network has abandoned its soul purpose. It upsets me what this network has become!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Rediscover ME: Part 2

An Artist is born
Last summer, I picked up a new hobby, I opened my mind, and started going to this poetry club called: "Busboys and Poets" in D.C. I went every tuesday almost last summer, each time I felt something insdie me, like my soul got warm, my heart beat like crazy! Towards the end of the summer, I had a coversation with a poet there, told here how I envy her talent to write, Then she gave birth to the Artist inside me, she said "have you ever tried to write?" I went home called my boys, that we were gonna to perform, since there is a piano on stage and 2 mics, see I look at like this is my first performance suck, atleast my mans singing and my mans piano skills would distract them. LOL. My first poem was written to Ordinary People by John Legend. It was about a girl, she has no clue my first poem was about her. Maybe one day, I'll let her know, I MIGHT even post my first poem on here. After that I've been writing since! Now, my next move is to bring a different element to poetry. But this is hobby to me, not my life, I like telling stories with my twisit! So, I hope you enjoy what I write. (funny thing is as I was writing this, I was telling my friend this story)

With this Pen

With this Pen I am a artist,

My pen is my brush painting my colorful thoughts on a canvas

With this pen I am King Aurthur,

My pen is Excaliburnoone is swinging on my caliber, matter fact fuck that i'm me, cuz the pen is mightier than the sword

With this pen i am Moses,

God has helped me split the sea of bullshit to deliver my people the truth

With this pen I give u multiple orgasms, with that tingle in ur spine, that uncontrollable shaking in ur leg, as u cum, and my pen keeps going

With this pen,

I have committed several lyrical homicide but Langston Hughes said as a poet, hang urself in ur words, so I guess I just committed suicideIf thats the case,

With this Pen, I'm on some Christ shit cuz I just resurrected myself from my own grave

With this pen, I'm going green, cuz I just recycled different ways to say how nice I am

With this pencil, I write history cuz like white folk, i can come back erase it to what i want it to say later

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Rediscover ME

Every comes to a point in their life, where they start Finding Forever, what I mean that u start on the path to your adult life, u know ur religion, political views, music style, career, and etc. I remember when it all hit me, my summer goin into my junior year, thats when i discover that I can write. When I decide how I was gonna leave my mark at school. Most importantly what I wanna do with my future, then I realize i Love being so free, which made come to the conclusion I see a small chance of me getting married, because there is so much I wanna do. Looking back at my memories museum, I really REDISCOVER ME! THIS PART 1. I will give a tour as time goes on.

Are U feeling Urself?


Making Love with the Lights On

Have u ever made love with the lights on, music playing, and a room full of people?
She has
What makes it crazy is she shy and a little insecure.
But when she makes love, she's a in her own world
She is not good with words and has alot on her mind
So, she let her body do the talking
They say french is the lanuage of love
Real love is express through body language
Which she speaks fluently
She is poetry in motion
So, I'll ask u again
Have u ever made love with the lights on, music playing, and a room full of people, and keep on all ur clothes?
She has
When she DANCE
Not only do she get pleasure from it
But gives pleasure to the music, the audience and the lights.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Reality Check

Ok, I got an summer internship, it's cool but I share office space with the 50 year old virgin. My man makes 90k a year, no kids, no girl, and he lives with his parents!!! At one point his parents moved to NC thinking he was going to move on his own. NO! He moved with them and drove to work in VA everyday. I ask him y don't he have any kids? "He said no woman wants him". No grown man with a career should ever say those words. I'm at against marriage but after that, I had a REALity check...................

Good Music

And why do they say our generation music is bad?

Those that read my page please leave ur suggestions..

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Dreamin Out Loud

Mr. Obama might become president, "Change" can actually come to America. This could be one nation literally. Gas could actually go down. But will everyone see Mr. Obama as the first black president? Or a man that will have a deep impact on America? Will there be pressure from white or black america? But wait elections haven't came yet, guess I'm just DREAMIN OUT LOUD.

Summer '08 Part I

This is the first of three part series about my summer.

My suumer started off crazy, first day back in Maryland, I meet cousins i didn't know about, who by the waygot in a fight with some people around my mothers way, then the day after that my uncle dies from cancer. Also, my litle sister graduated high school! Im so proud of her. Then my internship took forever to get me started working. But now I'm in VA for the summer doing my internship, which is cool but nothing really exciting has happened to say: THIS IS SUMMER. Hopefully something will soon happen.

Monday, June 2, 2008

A woman's mission

Her mission was to find love and she chose to accept it
The eyes are the window to the soul, well hers is tinted, so her look is very deceptive.
A license to kill, in other words she's a spy
She doesn't trust anyone, cuz she always heard lies
She was betrayed from the start
Cupid was a double agent and shot her in the heart.
He shot her twice in the chest
Little did she know, she always wear a vest
She had cupid phone tapped
And it lead her to where love is at.
She knows what the business is
Her boss wants Love alive, but leave no witnesses
She snuck in at night
Killing everyone in sight
And no one notice her
Dress in all black, 2 pistols with silencers
Cupid crept up put her in a choke hold, then she put 2 bullets in his head
Shot him an extra time to make sure he was dead.
Everyone that was in her way are now filled with slugs
Back to her mission, to capture Love
Her and Love now stand face to face
She tells him to give up, theres no exscape.
Love Knocks away her gun
Says sorry Agent OO1
He starts an evil laughter
Tell her, today wasn't day to be captured
and the bad guy beats the hero
Then jumps out of the 22nd story window

To be continued

Hypnotic Hazel Eyes

Hypnotic Hazel Eyes
Stare to long, she leaves u paralyzed
They take away your ability to speak and think
The only time you have control is when she blinks
Hypnotic Hazel Eyes reminds you of the leaves the first day of Autumn
Captured beauty like the renaissance in Harlem
Her eye sees here map that she designed for success
Her eyes have seen this road before she could walk
Hypnotic Hazel Eyes, I look into them
I see more than beauty
I see how you manifest
To be the best
I see your pride
Most importantly, I see what you try to hide
Behind those those Hypnotic Hazel Eyes.................
To Be Continued