My blog

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Mind Sate

Welcome to my mind state
Its a state of minesI dont pay tax
I pay attention to facts & detail.
Theres no democrats & republicans
Theres dreamers & realist
There arent any jail cells
Just a bunch of brain cells
There this city like New York, it never sleeps, always busy, and the lights are always on.
In this state farmers plant ideas and they grow into philosphies & goals
In this state, the stock market depends on Dom Jones advancements.
In this state, at the beach u dont tan, cats come out here to day dream.
Next to the beach is a city with sky scrappers build upon thoughts on top of each other.
Art is displayed in my memories museum.
In this state, music is a legal drug.
There is a highway named road to riches with a dozen billboards of clothes and shoes.
This highway leads u to the state capitol success.
In this state, u have the right to bare hope and pursue happiness.
Thats the end of the tour of this state of mines.
A place called my mind state.

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