My blog

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Circle Of Trust

For along time I tried to delay reality, I ignored all the signs, because I didn't want to accept the truth, that is I have a large circle I call friends, but for some why? Better yet what is a true friend? They are the ones that are always honest with you, they look out for you, and they respect you. I remember one time I was suppose to ride home with a friend back home at the end of the semester after my final exam, well barely 16 hours before departure I get a call saying there is no space because, he packed everything in the car, and if I rode I would have to have a t.v. in my lap for 5 hours, and I could pack a back pack of my stuff, all this Knowing I was coming back in a week with a truck, and it was urgent I went home that day, I had no food, no money, and a drop of tooth paste. So, I took a train that was scheduled during my final, that hurt my grade, and when I explain this to my friends, everyone said that's how he is, what do you expect? Right then I ignored the fact we expect this person to leave us hanging, in a time of need. Really? But why? Why would you keep someone of that nature around you? Well, as time went by I excepted this time and time again, I can't except it anymore, along with friends that have I known for years, that are just dead weight and do nothing! So, this is to address everything. No, I'm not mad or in my feelings. I'm just being smart and real. they say, "In Life we were born to fly, That's why I travel light".


Anonymous said...

Despite my previous beliefs friendship is can be defined by two variables, the first being time, the second actions through various situations. It seems to me the person that you are speaking of has defined your friendship by the latter, although you may have known this individual for several years and the time variable has been tested,there actions reveal those unlike the characteristics of a friend. I am sadden that this person has habitually taken advantage of the brotherhood you have respected and cherished. However be thankful that situations as such arise because with out them it would be impossible to understand "who is who".

Almond D. said...

Time always has a way of eventually showing us not only who we truly are, but also those of whom we've surrounded ourselves truly are as well. I have found that friends are those who keep you in mind, even when they have to perhaps think of themselves second. But you know, thats actually similar to what family does, so perhaps I dont have freinds: I have a family. A family thats not tied by blood, but rather tied together by the bond of circumstance. But circumstance is only a portion of what true relationships and friendships must harbor to be legit. If you find yourself ever feeling as if your're settling in a relationship, any relationship, realize that doing so is potentially stunting your growth and evolution. Friendship is never parasitical, and if ever you find yourself with such a "friend," it would behoove you to indeed pack light, as suggested, and leave...even if its means doing so alone...